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电话: +86-18231111974
传真: +86-311-83838148
姓名: Cathy
WST-021 razor barb wire 价格:1元
WST-021 razor barb wire 价格:1元
WST-020Barbed wire 价格:1元
WST-020Barbed wire 价格:1元
WST-019PVC Iron wire 价格:1元
WST-019PVC Iron wire 价格:1元
WST-018loop Tie wire 价格:1元
WST-018loop Tie wire 价格:1元
WST-017Cut Wire 价格:1元
WST-017Cut Wire 价格:1元
WST-016black iron wire 价格:1元
WST-016black iron wire 价格:1元
WST-015Perforated Metal 价格:1元
WST-015Perforated Metal 价格:1元
WST-014Expanded metal 价格:1元
WST-014Expanded metal 价格:1元

  At WASTONE INDUSTRY GROUP CO. LTD. the quality of our product is second to none. The source raw material from quality suppliers and then in house we manufacture to very strict processes. we look at ensuring quality and resilience throughout every product produced and we assure the quality and best prices to all our customers. Also our services....

主要产品/业务: all kinds of wire mesh, mesh filters, mesh machines.

WASTONE INDUSTRY GROUP CO. LTD. / 河北 / yuhua area sjz,china (050000 ) / 电话:+86-18231111974

本页面所有信息由WASTONE INDUSTRY GROUP CO. LTD.自行发布,内容合法性由发布者负责,交易请谨慎核实。

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